Cost me $400 but worth every penny! More like a bargain, at this point. I'll move heaven and earth just to try to keep him comfy, 'til he's ready. He cried like a baby seal once he was locked up though, which just broke my heart. Did NOT want to leave the vet's office...
This morning he was lying so still, I practically had to nudge him to make sure he was alive. Morbid, I know. It's just that in the days of old, he would be all over me, nose-to-nose as soon as I opened my eyes, and not getting that greeting is strange for me. But at 4pm when I picked him up today, he was still crying like an abandoned seal, and pulling the vet tech along with him! At least he had energy, woohoo!

Hopefully this IV pamidronate buys us some quality time. I'm hoping that he's just tired today (from the 8 hours of barking), and will perk up a bit tomorrow.
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