Still lethargic though. Perks up but lays down right after the burst of energy. His new spot is on the hardwood floor, in front of the TV or under the TV table. Strange.
The rollercoaster is so typical with this disease, and it's beyond exhausting. Blows me away how he was happily running around just 2-3 days ago (see video from Tuesday 01/27/09!). Gut tells me the end is near, not the 3 months that the vets thought. And we're starting to accept. He's still scoring high on the quality of life scale, yet he's sleeping all the time now.
We're leaving the house for a few hours tonight, and I am the one having separation anxiety.
Update: He started acting out like a puppy 30 minutes before we left. Came home to a half-chewed up spool of thread!
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